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「@」は会計において一般に用いられる略記号。例えば「商品7個 @ $2 = $14」(商品7個 各単価2ドル 小計14ドル)のように請求書などに用いられていた。レイ・トムリンソン ...
The at sign, @, is an accounting and invoice abbreviation meaning "at a rate of" (e.g. 7 widgets @ £2 per widget = £14), now seen more widely in email ...
In business, @ is a symbol meaning "at" or "each." For example, it means "each" in "4 apples @ $.35 = $1.40." Perhaps because it was ...
2021/07/26 · 会計や経理などの分野では、現在でも単価を表す記号として使用されている。1個100円の商品であれば@100円と表記し、計算する場合には@100円×20個などと ...
www.britannica.com からの@
2024/03/28 · At sign, symbol (@) used primarily to direct electronic communication to specified entities, most notably in email addresses and social ...
www.thesaurus.com からの@
2022/04/11 · What Is An At Sign ( @ ) And How Do You Use it? · What is an at sign? · ✏ Example usage of an at sign · When do you use an at sign? · Punctuate ...
2020/01/10 · “@” does not have a specific name in English. It is merely called the “at sign” or “at symbol.” It originated as a shortcut for scribes writing ...