

逆ピラミッドは、ジャーナリストや他の書き手が用いるメタファーであり、文章における情報にどのように優先順位をつけて構造化すべきかという説明である。新聞体で書くための一般的な方法である。これはニュース報道についての基礎を理解するための最良の方法である。 ウィキペディア
en.wikipedia.org からの"inverted pyramid"
The inverted pyramid is a metaphor used by journalists and other writers to illustrate how information should be prioritised and structured in prose
The inverted pyramid structure simply means placing the most fundamental information in the lead paragraph of the story, and then arranging the remaining ...
www.nngroup.com からの"inverted pyramid"
2018/02/11 · The inverted pyramid refers to a story structure where the most important information (or what might even be considered the conclusion) is presented first.
ohiostate.pressbooks.pub からの"inverted pyramid"
News stories are organized using the inverted pyramid style, in which information is presented in descending order of importance.
Inverted pyramid (journalism), a metaphor in journalism for how information should be prioritized and structured in a text · Inverted pyramid (management), also ...
www.getvero.com からの"inverted pyramid"
The Inverted Pyramid Method is a template designed to help you create great emails by eliminating distractions.
serveleadnow.com からの"inverted pyramid"
The inverted pyramid is a way of approaching a company's organizational chart – a way of thinking about one's place in the hierarchy.
2021/06/14 · But those stories aren't told in inverted pyramid style. They're told as a linear narrative. Starting at the beginning and ending at the end.
www.stylemanual.gov.au からの"inverted pyramid"
The basic structure of the inverted pyramid is: a heading; details in order, from the most to the least important. The most important idea comes first or 'above ...
2021/08/18 · The inverted pyramid refers to a story structure in which the broadest, most important points are delivered at the top of the story, followed by additional ...