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STOP 0x000000EA (THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER) このブルースクリーンエラーは、デバイスドライバ(ほとんどの場合がビデオカードドライバ)が何らかの動作の発生(通常はハードウェアの動作)を待機しているために停止してしまったことを意味します
2023/10/11 · Outdated Windows may also cause the BSOD error code 0x000000EA. So, if you encounter the error on your PC, you can try updating Windows. To ...
2023/12/22 · The THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER bug check has a value of 0x000000EA. This indicates that a thread in a device driver is endlessly spinning.
The first thing you should do to try and fix stop error 0x000000EA is to update your video drivers. There are several ways to do this.
2018/09/05 · Since 0x000000EA is commonly caused by the bad video card driver, the first method you should try is updating your video card driver. You can ...
2017/11/28 · The STOP error you're getting is because the hardware driver isn't terminating properly. This points to either the graphics card itself or the ...
2017/11/03 · This usually indicates problem with the hardware itself, or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Frequently, this is the ...