array $return->headers - an associative array of the headers. The keys of the array are the header names (lowercased) whilst the values are the header values ( ...
[line 91] The Mail_mimeDecode class is used to decode mail/mime messages. This class will parse a raw mime email and return the structure.
2003/03/28 · The first lines of this email contain headers, data about this message. These headers consist of a header name, before the colon, and some data, ...
<?php /** * The Mail_mimeDecode class is used to decode mail/mime messages * * This class will parse a raw mime email and return * the structure.
* Mail_mimeDecode::decode. Pass the output in as the. * argument. This function can be called statically. Eg: *. * $output = $obj->decode();. * $xml ...
Mail_mimeDecode provides functions to process MIME message. It will take the input you give it and decode it into a usable PHP data structure. Mail_mimeDecode:: ...
2010/04/27 · This is an RFC 2047 encoded-word. It is decoded by the mb_decode_mimeheader function.
2010/11/22 · $structure = Mail_mimeDecode::decode($params);. $from = $structure->headers['from']; ... $subject = $structure->headers['subject'];. mail($to, $ ...
2002/07/25 · * $params['input'] = $input; * $structure = Mail_mimeDecode::decode($params); * print_r($structure); * * TODO: * - Implement further content ...
... Mail_mimeDecode to decode ... It just seems to be when I try decoding the headers as a separate entity that I'm seeing the problem. ... headers['subject'] format - ...