CppUnit is a unit testing framework module for the C++ programming language. It allows unit-testing of C sources as well as C++ with minimal source modification. It was started around 2000 by Michael Feathers as a C++ port of JUnit for Windows and ported to Unix by Jerome Lacoste.
2021/05/07 · CppUnit is the C++ port of the famous JUnit framework for unit testing. Test output is in XML for automatic testing and GUI based for supervised ...
Take a look into the CppUnit Cookbook. It gives a quick start into using this testing framework. Modules give you a organized view of CppUnit classes.
CppUnit Cookbook. Here is a short cookbook to help you get started. Simple Test Case. You want to know whether your code is working. How do you do it?


CppUnitは、C++プログラミング言語用のユニットテストフレームワークモジュールです。これにより、最小限のソース変更でCソースとC++の単体テストが可能になります。 ウィキペディア(英語)
ライセンスGNU Lesser General Public License
Crash Course in using CppUnit. Introduction. This document will introduce you to a testing framework called CppUnit. CppUnit is a C++ port of the JUnit ...
CPlusPlusUnit - Tiny single source file C++ Unit testing TDD framework with the output message format like Python unittest. No installation is required, ...
This document will introduce you to a testing framework called CppUnit. CppUnit is a C++ port of the JUnit testing framework developed by Erich Gamma and ...
2020/03/30 · ... cppunit CppUnit is the C++ port of the famous JUnit framework for unit testing. For MSWindows installation notes, see INSTALL-WIN32.txt. For ...
Take a look into the CppUnit Cookbook. It gives a quick start into using this testing framework. Modules give you a organized view of CppUnit classes.