2021/01/07 · The EnumJobs function retrieves information about a specified set of print jobs for a specified printer.
2024/02/22 · Retrieves an interface pointer to an enumerator object that you use to enumerate the jobs in the transfer queue.
Enumerates active jobs on the given printer. Syntax. var jobName = {}; status = printing.EnumJobs(printerName, index, jobName);. Parameter, Description ...
Enumerates print jobs on specified printer. Parameters. hPrinter : PyPrinterHANDLE. Handle of printer. FirstJob : int.
The EnumJobs function retrieves information about a specified set of print jobs for a specified printer. BOOL EnumJobsW( _In_ HANDLE hPrinter, ...
To enumerate jobs from the transfer queue, call the IBackgroundCopyManager EnumJobs method. The method returns an IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs interface pointer that ...
1999/11/24 · EnumJobs enumerates all of the print jobs pending for a given printer. The function can retrieve either (relatively) brief or detailed ...
Explains how you can use EnumJobs calls to retrieve the status of a print job, the printer information, the job identification, and other parameters that ...
2010/03/22 · EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0, 1000, 1, nil, 0, bytesNeeded, numJobs); pJ := AllocMem(bytesNeeded); if not EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0, 1000, 1, pJ ...