2024/02/22 · Registers and initializes certain common control window classes. This function is obsolete. New applications should use the InitCommonControlsEx ...
2013/07/18 · I am asking because I am using code that seems to run fine and can create dialogs without the use of the above mentioned. Yet in books like ...
2009/12/20 · The InitCommonControls function is exported by name from COMCTL32.DLL in all known versions (3.50 and higher). It is reliably exported as ...
Your #1 source for using API-functions in Visual Basic and classes for the .NET runtime!
2020/07/21 · Call the InitCommonControls functionAdd an application manifest file; Add an application manifest file. Call the InitCommonControls Function.
2001/09/11 · error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__InitCommonControls@0. HI, I have created an VC++ Win32 application wher I get an error saying:
2003/07/25 · Win32 API Help says "The InitCommonControls function ensures that the common control dynamic-link library (DLL) is loaded"
InitCommonControls. End Sub. Now we need to compile this into an executable file (the manifest will only work when run as an EXE) and actually create the ...
Thread: RE: [Mingw-users] undefined reference to 'InitCommonControls@0' - Why? A native Windows port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). Brought to you by ...