2024/02/22 · The RevertToSelf function terminates the impersonation of a client application. Syntax. C++. Copy.
2024/02/22 · RevertToSelf restores the authentication information on a thread to the authentication information on the thread before impersonation began.
The RevertToSelf method reassigns the „primary token“ of the process to the invoking thread. Thus RevertToSelf does not only cancel the last impersonation, but ...
An RPC server that used the RpcImpersonateClient function to impersonate a client must call the RpcRevertToSelf or RpcRevertToSelfEx to end the impersonation.
This function uses RevertToSelf() to revert any impersonated tokens. If -TokenHandle is passed (the token handle returned by Invoke-UserImpersonation), ...
Restores the security attributes for a COM object that is running on COM+ and impersonating the client. Applies to. TransactionServer objects. Syntax
Restores the security attributes for a COM object that is running on MTS and impersonating the client. Applies to. TransactionServer objects. Syntax.
This wait type is when a thread is calling the Windows RevertToSelf function. (Books Online description: N/A). Questions/comments on this wait type? Click ...
Visual Basic (Declaration). <DllImportAttribute("advapi32.dll")> <PreserveSigAttribute()> Public Shared Function RevertToSelf() As Boolean ...