Online nslookup is a web based DNS client that queries DNS records for a given domain name. It allows you to view all the DNS records for a website.
Find all name servers for a domain name with this online DNS NS checker. For example, try stackoverflow.com or imdb.com to view their NS records.
What is Nslookup? Nslookup, which stands for "Name Server Lookup," is a command-line tool used to query Domain Name System (DNS) servers.
評価 (20)
2019/05/12 · Nslookup is a network administration command-line tool available for many computer operating systems. It is used for querying the Domain Name System (DNS)
含まれない: TEEN | 必須にする:TEEN
2024/07/31 · The ultimate solution is finding ways to be honest with them about their internet usage and trying to sensibly educate them about the risks and whatnot.
2023/09/12 · Displays information that you can use to diagnose Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure. Before using this tool, you should be familiar with how DNS works.
含まれない: TEEN | 必須にする:TEEN
An overview of all the DNS record types. Each DNS record type is briefly explained, and extensive explanations are available in linked articles.
nslookup will help translate a domain name to an IP address. Features: - Get IP addresses based on domain name. - History: remembers last searched lookups.
2021/07/18 · Personally I use Cloudflare's DNS servers (, which blocks malware and adult content and it works pretty good.
Here you can find a quick and easy view of authoritatieve NS records found in DNS for Teen.gigaporn.org, including their IP addresses.