『NERVOUS BREAKDOWN』(なあばす ぶれいくだうん)は、たがみよしひさによる日本の漫画作品。学習研究社の『月刊コミックNORA』において1988年9月号から1997年4月号まで連載 ...
「NERVOUS BREAKDOWN」「NIGHT ADULTCHILDREN」「HARD」「なくしたピース」. 「NERVOUS BREAKDOWN」は本誌休刊後に「ノーラコミックスコンパクト」として学研から文庫版 ...
... nervous breakdown to my lovely onlookers who are just as guilty as I am. Well, exercise that justice now. Embracing a wound that can't be wiped away. I'll ...
However, injured when the Leader took over Gamma Base, Ross was pushed into a nervous breakdown by Moonstone, who used her psychiatric skills to crumble his ...
2011/11/12 · ... nervous breakdown. Nowadays, people use the word utsu (うつ) or utsubyo (うつ病), which means depression, for almost the same meaning. The ...
評価 (1,262)
A graphic designer, after a nervous breakdown induced by his cheating fiancee and professional failure, goes home to the seaside where he and his estranged ...
2018/07/02 · ... nervous breakdown and depersonalization that landed me in an observation room at the Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital. Obsessive doubts over ...
cause students to be on the verge of a severe nervous breakdown, which may lead to undesirable outcomes that readers can associate with the root rot and ...
2020/08/18 · Leiji Matsumoto also recalls nearly having a nervous breakdown over becoming a target due to “militarism.” That's how Yamato was designed to ...
batman.fandom.com からの"NERVOUS BREAKDOWN" 漫画 Wikipedia
He was outwitted and had a nervous breakdown before being set free as a reward for getting one last riddle right. In the one-shot "Riddler and the Riddle ...