2023/09/08 · The use of carvedilol was associated with less arrhythmic events in BPH patients with palpitation and decreased the incidence of urologic events ...
2017/09/21 · mTORC1 stimulates mRNA translation and other anabolic processes (e.g., lipid and nucleotide synthesis) but suppresses autophagy (Shimobayashi ...
次に、MDA-MB-231^<KIT>細胞とMDA-MB-231細胞を経腹腔的にヌードマウスの心臓左心室に注射して動脈行性骨転移を促し、これらの細胞の骨転移率を比較した。MDA-MB-231 ...
2021/08/02 · ... (ICD code M62.8) [6]. Therefore, skeletal muscle research has been actively conducted in recent years. However, therapeutic methods have not ...
2020/11/03 · Body Reprogramming: Reframing the fibromyalgia narrative and providing an integrative therapeutic model. Citation. Davies, A. F., Hill, P., ...
2022/10/26 · Brugada(ブルガダ)症候群は、12誘導心電図のV1からV2(V3)誘導における特徴的なST上昇と心室細動(VF)を主徴とする症候群です。ST上昇には上向きに凸 ...
含まれない: shimobayashi | 必須にする:shimobayashi
2016/12/24 · 21歳のとき授業中に倒れてブルガダ症候群と診断され、ICDを埋め込んでから気づけば8年経ち、その間にも色々とありましたが何とか普通に仕事をして生き残る ...
2024/01/10 · Our results revealed Brucine as a novel autophagy regulator, ICD inducer and hitherto undocumented role of autophagy in ICD. Thus, these ...
2017/09/14 · Shimobayashi, M., and Hall, M.N. (2014). Making new contacts: the mTOR · network in metabolism and signalling crosstalk. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell ...