中文名称, P-B曲线. 英文名称, P B curve. 定义, 表示桩土体系的垂向位移与端承力特性的曲线。 应用学科, 船舶工程(一级学科),海洋油气开发工程设施与设备(二级学科).
pb曲線 from www.researchgate.net
The BH and PB curves of the studied transformer's core material (M-5 oriented steel, 0.3 mm thick) are given in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.
表示桩土体系的垂向位移与端承力特征的曲线。 英文名称及同义词: P-B curve. 词条信息. 浏览次数: 723 次; 编辑次数: 0次; 更新时间: 2013-12-17.
Jan 9, 2009 · PB Graph曲线是一款基于PureBasic(PB)编程语言的图形绘制工具,它提供了更美观、灵活的曲线绘制功能,相比PureBasic自带的图形库,PB Graph曲线在视觉效果和 ...
pb曲線 from www.researchgate.net
Calibration curve of lead (Pb) in flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). A near 1 value for R 2 indicates reliability of the results.
PB-600 與PB-1000 為明緯所推出新一代智慧型充電器,內建有兩段/三段(掛負載使用)/八段式等3. 種常見之充電曲線。本產品可因應不同廠牌或電池種類(鉛酸、膠體、鋰鐵、鋰 ...
Wetherill (1956) introduced the concordia diagram, which plots 206Pb*/238U versus 207Pb*/235U from the same analyses. The parametric concordia curve can then be ...
Sep 26, 2019 · The next update will feature multiple corner points but, in the meantime, you can obtain a reasonable result by rotating the final heading a bit.
The concordia diagram is a very useful tool for investigating and interpreting disruptions of the U-Pb system caused by 'episodic lead loss'. This means that a ...