This package is not maintained, if you would like to take over please go to this page. » Summary, » License. Creating an authentication system. PHP License.
The main purpose for these advanced security checks is to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks and session hijacking.
Provides a framework for user authentication. Table of Contents. Introduction — A usage example; Auth Options — Options for controlling the behaviour of Auth ...
* Register a callback function to be called on user login. * The function will receive two parameters, the username and a ...
Welcome to the PEAR portal! If your provider organization is not yet enrolled, select Register My Organization below. Only participating providers in an ...
2007/03/19 · The PEAR Auth package provides a really easy, yet customizable authentication system. To show it off, I'll start with one very simple example.
2012/06/15 · Well, this edition is a few years old now. But it's actually the code in that PEAR class that's deprecated, not the code in the book. You can ...
Found 4 RPM for php-pear(Auth) ; php-pear-Auth-1.6.4-2.el6.remi.noarch.html, Authentication provider for PHP, Remi's RPM for RedHat EL 6 for i386 ; php-pear-Auth- ...
This package adds a RADIUS container for the PHP Auth system. Releases Overview. Release, Stable, Testing. EPEL 7 ...