To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install . To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb , and then run ...
Name Win32API — Microsoft Windows API access class Synopsis Win32API represents functions in Windows DLLs. Required Library require 'Win32API' Example ...
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Ruby 1.8.6. This is the API documentation for Win32API: Ruby Standard Library Documentation. ... Ruby-doc.org is a service of James Britt and Neurogami, an ...
The Win32::API library is meant as a replacement for the Win32API library that ships as part of the standard library. It contains several advantages over ...
Description. This is a drop-in replacement for the Win32API library currently part of Ruby's standard library. · Synopsis. require 'win32/api' include Win32 # ...
Public Instance Methods ... Generated by RDoc 6.4.0. Based on Darkfish by Michael Granger. Ruby-doc.org is provided by James Britt and Neurogami. Maximum R+D.