

一意の識別子は、それらのオブジェクトおよび特定の目的で使用されるすべての識別子の中で一意であることが保証されている識別子です。この概念は、コンピュータ サイエンスと情報システムの開発の初期に形式化されました。一般に、それは原子データ型に関連付けられていました。 ウィキペディア(英語)
A UID is a numeric or alphanumeric string associated with a single entity within a given system. Learn how they work, and explore use cases of UIDs.
2024/05/28 · A UID (Unique Identifier) is a numeric or alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a single entity within a given system.
UID is a concentrated educational program focused on the unique needs of the wholesale-distribution industry. Register to experience excellence in education.
Unique Identifiers (UIDs) provide the capability to uniquely identify a wide variety of items. They guarantee uniqueness across multiple countries, sites, ...
Unique Identification (UID) is an internationally adopted method of globally-unique identification of critical components.
A UID acts as a passport for a semiconductor as it connects with a network or another device. It serves as the chip's primary identifier and, for example, ...
A unique identifier (UID) is a numeric or alphanumeric string related to a certain entity within a system. This allows for access to the entity and interaction ...
The UID is used for tracking and managing your immigration application, while visa and Green Card numbers are specific to the type of visa or status you hold.
The Staff UID System enables reliable matching of staff-level records over time and across DPI applications and remains valid even if staff members move to a ...