Moves the input focus from the current child control to the next one in the tab order. Call SelectNext to move the child control focus.
SelectNext. Up to Parent: TTabSet. Delphi. procedure SelectNext(Direction ... When the last tab in either direction is selected, calling SelectNext using the same ...
You can make your application focus the next control (in the tab order) on your form by using the SelectNext() method. To move to the next control: ...
This code first checks to see if the Key that was entered was indeed the Enter key (#13), and then calls the SelectNext method of the Form, passing the current ...
2008/11/28 · For each control in the attached project I have added the following code in the KeyDown event. if Key=VK_RETURN then SelectNext(TWinControl(
www.thoughtco.com からのdelphi selectnext
2017/03/26 · There is a lot of third-party code for implementing better data entry processing in Delphi. ... SelectNext(Sender as TWinControl,True,True) ;
Hi, I'm somewhat new to delphi. Due to the needs of the app which runs on a scan gun with a limited keyboard, I'm actually tabbing using the enter key.