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2016/04/02 · You need to set both HISTSIZE and SAVEHIST . They indicate how many lines of history to keep in memory and how many lines to keep in the history ...
2019/11/26 · SAVEHIST - Refers to the number of commands that are stored in the zsh history file · HISTSIZE - Refers to the number of commands that are loaded ...
2010/07/05 · I would like history to display all the existing commands in the history file. When I look in my .zsh_history (my history file) I see all the ...
zsh logs commands and timestamps to ~/.zsh_history for shell features such as reverse history search. This repository is a fun project that provides shell, ...
2023/06/27 · .history (saves history based on "$savehist"). /etc/csh.login (login shells) .cshdirs (saves directory stack) .tcshrc (always) .cshrc (if no ...
(If you want to change the number of lines saved by bash, set its HISTFILESIZE environment variable. In zsh, the variable is SAVEHIST. In ksh, the HISTSIZE ...
2020/12/21 · This command clears their history on each log on and removes the problem of picking up a previously run command. You don't have to worry about ...