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Kojima Lab is Inclusive. We are all different creatures. Our lab welcomes anybody who is passionate about basic science research, regardless of your sex, gender ...
The lab utilizes a variety of techniques, including electrophysiology, behavioral manipulations, pharmacology, and calcium imaging of neural activity in ...
stegerhall.fralinlifesci.vt.edu からのKOJIMA LABORATORY
The Kojima lab is interested in understanding 1) how the circadian clock regulates the rhythms of thousands of mRNAs and proteins with the correct period, phase ...
The long-term goal of Dr. Kojima's lab is to understand neural mechanisms of eye movement learning and treat abnormal eye movements. In particular, her lab ...
Our research interests are centered on optical materials, especially wide bandgap semiconductors, with the aim of seeking and creating singular characteristics, ...
KOJIMA Takatsugu, Ph.D. · 人工知能学会第38回大会@浜松(2024.5.28-31) · 日本認知心理学会第22回大会@帝京大学(2024.6.1-2) · 日本心理学会第88回大会@熊本( ...
I have a background in molecular biology and polymer science. Based on this research background, we are developing next generation of functional biomaterials ...
Satoshi Kojima Ph.D. Laboratory of Vocal Learning and Communication. Sensory and Motor Systems Research Group. Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI).
Kojima Laboratory designs and fabricates medical polymer materials that ... Kojima has research backgrounds in polymer materials science and molecular biology.