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You use relative to say that something is true to a certain degree, especially when compared with other things of the same kind. The fighting resumed after a ...
データ提供:EDP ※データの転載は禁じられています。 悪質な拡張機能にご注意ください。
The relative position of the holes is important (tighter tolerance), in order to match the same hole on the plate itself, but the absolute position of the ...
6 日前 · In this episode of "Our Reimagined Life," we tackle a question from our social media followers: "How do you get started thinking positively?
2012/01/22 · Since relative error is undefined when the true solution is zero, you have to switch over to something besides relative error control when ...
評価 (2)
1) True (The relative fitness, estimated by survival, was greater for striped snakes that moved straight.) 2) True (The relationships between color pattern ...
This indicator fixes RSI's bullish bias. This asymmetrical bias is illustrated in the chart below (the lower indicator pair).
2011/01/05 · I am using clearcase dynamic views, so i frequently open modelsim projects e.g. on Drive Y:, when it was originally created on a different Drive ...
評価 (1) · ¥6,404
The truth of an utterance depends on various factors. Usually these factors are assumed to be: the meaning of the sentence uttered, the context in which the ...