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Pawnshops are stores in Dead Rising 2, giving Chuck the chance to use money for purchases on weapons (both normal and Combo Weapons), Zombrex, vehicle keys, ...
2010/11/06 · Looters(略奪者)が盗品を売っている · 絶賛営業中?にて S105 の Looster に話をすると各店舗に入店できるようになる · Zombrexは各店舗共通で売っており、 ...
Pawnshops are stores in Dead Rising 2, giving Chuck the chance to use money for purchases on weapons (both normal and Combo Weapons), Zombrex, vehicle keys, and ...
評価 (76)
2010/10/04 · You have to go out in the open and find a place called "Moe's Maginations, after you talk to the looter two times, all the other pawn shops will ...
2011/04/26 · デッドライジング2について質問ですゾンブレックスの入手場所とされているPawnShopはどこにあるのでしょうか?地図には$マークがPawnShopと記載されて ...
評価 (76)
2011/01/27 · Go to Silver Strip, look on your map and hover over the buildings. Go to the one called 'Moe's Maginations'. You talk to the guy at the shop ...
2010/09/27 · Where is the first location you need to go to open up all the pawn shops? Do you have to wait until a certain case is finished? Thanks.
2010/10/07 · バイクの修理に必要なタイヤを$5000で、Zombrexを$25000で売っている。バイクの修理に必要な情報も売っている。どうしても必要というわけではないが、実績 ...
2012/09/11 · He'll inform you that there are now pawn shops open around the Fortune City that you can visit to buy weapons and other goods. He'll then ...