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The total line in the ls -l command's output offers a quick and alternative way to estimate the drive space used by files and directories. This information might be useful for managing storage-related issues, especially on systems with limited storage.
2020/05/14 · as said in the answer : A total sum for all the file sizes is output on a line before the long listing. – Jean-Baptiste ...
2006/06/16 · total shows the amount of space that is taken. Depending on the option(s) given to ls it is shown in amount of blocks or size (example: ls -lH).
2006/11/09 · Fajar Priyanto wrote: > Hello guys, > I'm curious when we do 'ls -la', what does 'total' mean? Is it the amount of > directory, files, or else?
2018/02/28 · If so the answer can be found in the ls manual. I get the manual by running info coreutils 'ls invocation' on my centos box.
2015/01/07 · In ls command you see for each directory that is listed, preface the files with a line `total BLOCKS', where BLOCKS is the total disk allocation ...
The ls command. The ls command is used to list files. "ls" on its own lists all files in the current directory except for hidden files.