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デビルジェネラル_0.png, デビルジェネラル Lv179. ○攻撃!!! (単体,1hit,近距離) 【防具硬度】硬度に関わらず3以上のダメージで削れます【下限取得EXP】 729 備考 ...
en.wikipedia.org からのデビルジェネラル
The Devil's General (German: Des Teufels General) is a 1955 black and white West German film based on the play of the same title by Carl Zuckmayer.
2013/09/11 · デビルジェネラル_0.png · 攻撃!!! (単体,1hit,近距離) 【下限取得EXP】 403 備考: ; デビルジェネラル_0.png · Lv123 インスタンスダンジョン:混乱の洞窟 ※ ...
評価 (1,333)
During WW2, German general Harry Harras is a test pilot and chief engineer for the Luftwaffe but his contempt for the Nazis and sabotage at the aircraft ...
blog.alltheanime.com からのデビルジェネラル
2021/01/12 · By Jonathan Clements. He shrugs and stammers, he mumbles and prevaricates. He can't surrender because he is not in command of all the troops ...
Devil King's General. Category Page. A category for the Devil King's Generals.
www.recordonline.com からのデビルジェネラル
2014/11/03 · When the fire was at last put out, the general maniacally raced back into the house to search for his gold, and so the gossiping began. People ...
The leader of the Seven Devil Chojin and the Six Devil Knights. His true identity is that of the former first Perfect Origin, Goldman, known as the God of ...