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アイスフレーム、グリーン隊のメンバー。アイスフレーム三人娘の一人で救護担当。サーベルナイトに壊滅させられた武闘派部隊、ブラック隊の生き残りで、仲間が死んで捨て鉢 ...
Prima Hononoman is a regular girl born into the Kingdom of Zeth. Unskilled in the Magic Arts she was among the lower class citizens that would receive an ...
Prima Hononoman is a regular girl born into the Kingdom of Zeth. Unskilled in the Magic Arts she was among the lower class citizens that would receive an ...
2018/06/05 · OL姿のプリマ見たかったよぉ!美人で胸おっきいのに影薄いプリマ。真面目過ぎるせい?DV旦那の非道に耐える生真面目プリマ………メガデス・セスナとの ...
プリマ・ホノノマン レジスタンス「アイスフレーム」のメンバー。 ブラック隊の衛生兵。見事な応急処置能力を持つ。 ちょっと人付き合いが苦手。
Prima Hononoman is a regular girl born into the Kingdom of Zeth. Unskilled in the Magic Arts she was among the lower class citizens that would receive an ...
簡易治療がLV×10、簡易治療2がLv×20の回復量になり回復量が増えたもののパッシブスキルに「メガデスと一緒」が付き、メガデスがPTにいると戦闘開始時に毒になるようになっ ...
alicesoft.fandom.com からのプリマ・ホノノマン
Prima Hononoman (プリマ・ホノノマン). プリマ・ホノノマン. How to get: First character to get recruited using quest #16. Comes equipped with ...