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Virtually all of the more than 2600 species in the world are instantly recognizable as palms, and only the unrelated cycads and another small family of tropical ...
Chamaedorea Cataractarum, also known as a Cat Palm, is a small, bushy palm tree that is native to Southern Mexico and Central America. It's an easy-to-care-for ...
Chamaedorea cataractarum, the cat palm, cascade palm, or cataract palm, is a small palm tree. It is native to Southern Mexico and Central America.
Graceful and mighty, Cat Palm purifies the air while creating a tropical vacation feel year-round. Other common names. Cascade Palm; Cataract Palm; Mexican Hat ...
urbantropicals.com からのActNames Palm
An abundance of cascading fronds, this trunk-less palm uniquely produces all leaves and no actual visible trunk. Dense thickets of wispy, feathery, ...
2024/02/20 · Palm Tree Names: Most nurseries refer to palm species by their scientific or botanical names. However, more common species are often ...
​Common name: Cat Palm, Cataract palm, Cascade Palm, Mexican Hat Palm; Scientific name: Chamaedorea cataractarum; Family name: Arecaceae; Origin: Southern ...
www.plantvine.com からのActNames Palm
評価 (3) · $70.00 · 在庫あり
Common Name: Cat Palm, Cataract Palm, Cascade Palm ... Overview: Cat palms are attractive, low-growing palms native to southeastern Mexico and Central America.
評価 (1)
2022/10/18 · The Cat Palm is a small, attractive clumping palm without a trunk, and this tropical beauty is also an excellent choice for planting near ...
This database is a free to use horticultural and conservation research tool, and contains the current up-to-date list of all the world's palm tree species.