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MASTER_LOG_POS. The MASTER_LOG_POS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used along with MASTER_LOG_FILE to specify the coordinates at which the replica's I/O thread should begin reading from the primary's binary logs the next time the thread starts. For example: STOP SLAVE; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='master2-bin.
CHANGE MASTER TO causes the previous values for MASTER_HOST , MASTER_PORT , MASTER_LOG_FILE , and MASTER_LOG_POS to be written to the error log, along with ...
MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS are the coordinates at which the replication I/O thread should begin reading from the source the next time the thread starts.
2011/03/05 · I know I can achieve this using "CHANGE MASTER TO..." command but it has a side-effect: if master host is changed MASTER_LOG_POS and ...
CHANGE MASTER TO changes the parameters that the slave server uses for connecting to the master server, for reading the master binary log, and reading the slave ...
2018/09/28 · Login to mysql and add first master server credentials: 1)mysql -u root -p 2)STOP SLAVE; 3)CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST=' ...
2021/12/31 · This guide will walk you through creating MySQL replication on existing live MySQL servers on Windows. While some downtime is required, ...