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2010/03/25 · How to automatically rotate catalina.out daily or when it becomes bigger than 5M · 1. Create this file · 2. Copy the following contents into the ...
2014/12/23 · To rotate this log file, the output from STDOUT and STDERR must instead be piped to an intermediate tool that is capable of rotating the log ...
2023/01/09 · Issue. Tomcat's catalina.out does not rotate by default. We need it to rotate because its size is increasing to gigabytes.
Use Apache's rotatelogs or cronolog - and take advantage of piped logs. Create Logrotate, shutdown service and archive the file. Rotate the file manually.
Since Tomcat is outside the control of Artifactory, you must manually set up log rotation for the Tomcat logs to manage log files.
2022/03/26 · 4. size: Rotate if the size of catalina.out. 5. copytruncate: Truncate the original log file in place after creating a copy.
2017/05/11 · By default the /var/log/tomcat/catalina.out log files are rotated every 90 days, whilst the /var/log/tomcat/*.log files are rotated every 120 ...
Logrotate runs daily, by default, using a cron job - it is generally available under the /etc/cron.daily/logrotate file. To run it more often, a cron job ...
Automatically rotate Tomcat logs ... Options: daily - rotates the catalina.out daily. rotate – keeps at most 7 log files. compress – compresses the rotated files.