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"We're the good guys Chuck, not you." —Sullivan, speaking to Chuck as he prepares to be extracted Raymond Sullivan is the secondary antagonist of Dead ...
NOTE: This article is for the original version of Raymond Sullivan where he is portrayed as a more villainous character, while his portrayal in the ...
2010/10/04 · The way I tried was to grab 2 sniper rifles, head through the secret path back to the royal flush plaza, then back again and grab 2 more sniper ...
For the fight with Sullivan you'll want one good melee weapon to take care of any zombies you meet along the way. Also, head up to the High Noon Shooting Range ...
2023/09/22 · He comes off as way too OP, and it's annoying just being limited to a stupid platform and dealing with the zombies while trying to focus on ...
2019/02/08 · 12 votes, 10 comments. In otr they had Stacey as the phenotrans agent. And in the original it was sullivan. Which do you prefer Sullivan ...
2015/08/21 · Sniping him has proven to actualy be the hardest way to fight him. You not only have sullivan shooting at you and throwing flares but you ...