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TMemo is a wrapper for a Windows multiline edit control. Use TMemo to put a standard Windows multiline edit control on a form. Multiline edit boxes allow ...
2021/05/25 · TRichMemo - Like Delphi TRichEdit component: formatted text (color, size, etc.) TListBox - A scrollable list of strings. LCL Components ...
TMemo is a multiline text editing control, providing text scrolling. Use TMemo to place a standard multiline edit control on a form.
Hello, When I add line(s) to a TMemo, the cursor is set to the bottom. So how can I set the view to the first line ? Thanks! David ^_^.
2020/04/02 · Go to beginning / Go to top. 1. 2. RichEdit1 . SelStart := 0 ;. SendMessage(RichEdit1 . Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0 ); ...
2020/10/08 · I'd like to search for, and then highlight a line or phrase of text in a TMemo. I can get the Caret to move to the start of the correct ...
I've got a visible TMemo on a form. I want to save the TMemo to an offscreen TMemo so I write. Memo2.Assign(Memo1);. When this line executes I get the error ...
2020/03/29 · I have a simple text file with two lines of text and a third line that is blank. The content was generated by two WriteLn() statements and then ...
2019/01/13 · I ran a test with Delphi and I can only assume Laz should be the same.. ... Using the Lines Property will actually generate the end of line one if ...