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SWF Editor is a PHP extension for get or replace contents in SWF File. bitmap data, text, can be replaced. ref) http://pwiki.awm.jp/~yoya/?swfed (japanese ...
SWF Editor is a PHP extension for get or replace contents in SWF File. bitmap data, text, can be replaced. ref) http://pwiki.awm.jp/~yoya/?swfed (japanese ...
php library to generate swf for FlashLite1.1 dynamically - Media_SWF/sample/200.php at master · ken39arg/Media_SWF.
2020/12/23 · Founded by yoya. Powered by PukiWiki Plus! 1.4.7plus-u2-i18n. HTML convert time to 0.032 sec. Valid ...
Flash 書き換え PHP extension “SWF Editor”. Sep 09, 2014. 190 likes | 11.75k Views. Flash 書き換え PHP extension “SWF Editor”. 2009 年 9 月 4 日 よや yoya@awm ...
This is a library for interpreting/editing the SWF binary. It's mainly targeted for Flash Lite 1.x/2.x. Not limited in use, free to copy and modify by MIT ...
http://sourceforge.jp/projects/swfed/SWFファイルを書き換える php extension です。SWFファイル内の画像やテキスト等の抽出/入れ替えができます。
2013/12/18 · d]$ php -i | grep SWF SWF Editor support => enabled SWF Editor version => 0.62a SWF Editor PNG support => yes SWF Editor GIF support => yes ...