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/eɪˈsɪŋ.krə.nəs.li/ not at the same time or speed: You can watch the video and view the comments in real time, or you can play the video to the end and then read the comments asynchronously.


電気通信における非同期通信とは、通常、外部クロック信号を使用せずにデータを送信することであり、データは安定したストリームではなく断続的に送信されます。通信シンボルからデータを復元するために必要なタイミングは、シンボル内にエンコードされます。 ウィキペディア(英語)
not happening or done at the same time or speed: This finding suggests asynchronous climate changes in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Asynchronously raise an exception in a thread. スレッド内で非同期的に例外を送出します。 - Python.
in a manner that is not simultaneous or concurrent in time. The word asynchronously is derived from asynchronism, shown below. Collins English Dictionary.
asynchronouslyとは · asynchronously generated · asynchronously growing · contract asynchronously · deal efficiently with events that happen asynchronously.
2012/08/24 · "exclusive" is easy to understand which means the two clock will not toggle at the same time. But for "asynchronously", I am little confused.
2014/05/31 · Asynchronous and Synchronous are common programming pattern / concept (not specific to salesforce..) Synchronous - your code executes one after ...
Messaging apps are asynchronous in that generally people have to wait for replies. An asynchronous multiplayer mode lets you compare route times with friends.
2016/10/19 · When messages are read synchronously, the reading function or method returns only when the I/O operation is completed. When messages are read ...
asynchronous communications interface adapter ... 単語帳への登録は「英辞郎 on the WEB Pro」でご利用ください。 20,000件まで登録できます。