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Basically I have a date field that gets changed multiple times, and I'd like to capture in a report the full history of those changes. Any suggestions?
Tracking number of date field changes and difference between new and old date. Here is what I need to achieve: track how many times BDM_Projected_Launch_Date ...
When setting a date metadata field through the box web interface (not the API), the fields provided were limiting me to 10 years in the past.
We just launched an app called Tick Tock Today that creates a today's date property for your objects. ... Including a way to track the time between today's date ...
In Bug Tracker, the Date type custom field supports only MM-dd-yyyy and HH:MM for API is yet to be supported. We will let you know once the API is available.
2023/07/27 · Hi, I am looking for a way to count the number of days since an inputted date. Had a look into the advanced formula section and can see things ...
2023/10/30 · The date field is essential for time-series trending, as it will be used for the @timestamp field in the index. For this reason, I've changed ...
... tracking. To restrict the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the field use autoCreate to add any attributes you want to a field, for ...
We needed to track a date similarly in our system, so we created a custom field with a corresponding date field and then used a workflow to assign a date stamp.