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次の検索結果を表示しています: well-known
元の検索キーワード: welknown
好評判. 例文. good fame. 27. 周知する. 例文. to be known to all.
famousShe went from poor and anonymous to rich and famous. well knownShe's a well-known artist. renownedThe area is renowned for its beauty.
有名な,馴染みのある,よく知られている. 〖well-known〗. She is a well-known singer. 彼女は有名な歌手だ。 It's well-known that spiders are not insects.
well knownを含む英語表現 · well-known · well known all over · well known as a skilled craftsman · well known as an expert in · well known for one's allergy to.
A well-known person or thing is known about by a lot of people and is therefore famous or familiar. If someone is well-known for a particular activity, ...
Handel's “Messiah” is a well-known example of oratorio. ヘンデルの『メサイヤ』は、良く知られたオラトリオの一例です。
ロングマン現代英英辞典よりwell-knownˌwell-ˈknown ○○○ adjective (comparative better-known, superlative best-known) KNOW somethingknown by a lot of people ...
SSLを導入したサイトに.well-knownというフォルダが作成されている事がございます。 &
A famous person, place, etc. is known and recognized by many people. You can also talk about someone famous. Fame is the fact of being famous.
《be ~》~で世界的{せかい てき}に有名{ゆうめい}である 表現パターンwell-known [well-recognized] throughout the world for.