

dfは、呼び出し元のユーザーが適切な読み取りアクセス権を持っているファイルシステムで使用可能なディスク容量を表示するために使用される標準のUnixコマンドです。 dfは通常、statfsまたはstatvfsシステムコールを使用して実装されます。 ウィキペディア(英語)
オペレーティング システムUnix系
ライセンスGNU Core Utilities
作成者ケン・トンプソン, デニス・リッチー; (ベル研究所)
df (abbreviation for disk free) is a standard Unix command used to display the amount of available disk space for file systems on which the invoking user ...
2024/04/19 · The df command tells the amount of space used and available on the file system. A filesystem is nothing but a hierarchy of directories. For ...
2023/12/14 · The df command displays information about file system disk space usage on the mounted file system. This command retrieves the information from ...
2021/10/22 · df displays the values in the units of first available SIZE from –block-size (which is an option) and from the DF_BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCKSIZE AND ...
2022/04/22 · On Linux or Unix-based systems, the df command is used to display the free disc space of a specific file system. Simply type "df" to see a ...
2016/09/19 · The df command is a command line utility for reporting file system disk space usage. It can be used to show the free space on a Unix or Linux ...
The df (disk free) command displays the amount of free disk space. This is often quite handy when determining if there is enough space to store an image on ...
Linux df command is used to display the disk space used in the file system. The 'df' stands for "disk filesystem." It defines the number of blocks used, ...
2021/06/11 · On Unix-like operating systems, the df command reports the amount of available disk space used by file systems. This page covers the GNU/Linux ...
The df command displays information about total space and available space on a file system. The FileSystem parameter specifies the name of the device on which ...