2022/03/21 · In this case, you must position the current record pointer back to a valid record. Using the Find methods with Microsoft Access database engine- ...
2022/01/21 · When you use the Seek method to locate a record, the Access database engine uses the table's current index, as defined by the Index property.
2013/01/31 · I am trying to find a certain record in my record set then grab is ID number and assign it to a variable.
This article highlights ten common traps with DAO recordsets in VBA code. Most of the traps yield no syntax error; they are bugs lying dormant in your code ...
2018/02/14 · Hi I am trying to use FindFirst to find a record on a form, by entering the ID into a textbox called txtGoTo. The form is bound to a table ...
2002/11/18 · FIND is a function of the Recordset object that allows you to jump to the specified record.
2012/03/16 · This post is all about how we can use VBA code to access the data stored in our database. By access, I mean, being able to add, find, edit or ...
The PercentPosition property shows the current position expressed as a percentage of the total number of records indicated by the RecordCount property. Because ...