ヒント: 日本語の検索結果のみ表示します。検索言語は [表示設定] で指定できます
In this Microsoft Access tutorial, I will teach you how to use the Sleep function to cause your database to stop and wait for a specific number of seconds.
2009/03/09 · "Access does not have any type of wait, pause or sleep functions" is not really accurate, given the Sleep API available to it.
Pause executing VBA to let something else happen, like wait for a form to close, or something external like Transfer Spreadsheet from Excel, or copy and move ...
2023/08/30 · The typical way to halt program execution until the user closes a form is to open the form with the acDialog option:
Want to add a delay in your Access VBA code? This is sometimes handy if you want to give the user time to react, or slow down processing so you can see what's ...
2013/05/02 · public Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal ms As LongPtr) #Else Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal ms As Long) #End ...
2006/01/09 · I need to write an Access function that does this: 1) Set a value in a table to false. 2) start an invisible instance of IE and opens a web page ...