The Ref column of netstat's output shows the number of references to this route, that is, how many other routes (e.g. through gateways) rely on the presence ...
2023/02/03 · Reference article for the netstat command, which displays active TCP connections, ports on which the computer is listening, ...
2014/02/11 · Refs, Shows the current number of active uses for the route. Connection-oriented protocols hold on to a single route for the duration of a ...
The protocol (usually unix) used by the socket. RefCnt. The reference count (i.e. attached processes via this socket). Flags. The flags displayed is SO_ACCEPTON ...
2004/10/27 · Hi, I believe the full form is "references" which means the number of active connections that are referencing or using this route.
Netstat prints information about the Linux networking subsystem. The type of information printed is controlled by the first argument, as follows: (none) By ...
The netstat command displays information on the network configuration and activity of a Linux system, including network connections, routing tables, interface ...
This table shows the status of all routes that the host knows about. You can run this option of netstat from your user account. Display the IP routing table. $ ...
This quick reference cheat sheet provides various for using netstat command. #Getting Started. #Statistics. All connections on port 80 $ netstat -anp | grep :80.
2019/07/20 · Ref (iproute2) vs Window (netstat). Ref = Number of references to this route. This is mostly obsolete. It is not used by the Linux kernel ...