

チェスにおいて、失策とは、材料の損失、チェックメイト、またはそれに類するものを許すことにより、プレイヤーの立場を著しく悪化させる、決定的に悪いミスを指します。通常、時間の問題、自信過剰、不注意などの戦術上の見落としが原因で発生します。 ウィキペディア(英語)
In chess, a blunder is a critically bad mistake that severely worsens the player's position by allowing a loss of material, checkmate, or anything similar.
In chess, a blunder happens when a player makes a move that negatively affects their position in a significant way. In many cases, a blunder can cause a player ...
2023/07/25 · A blunder in chess refers to a serious mistake or oversight that results in a significant loss of advantage, material, or the game itself. It is ...
2024/08/21 · Why Chess Players Blunder · Parts of the positions are perceived due to a limited gaze and focus on specific sectors or areas of the board.
2024/06/01 · Top 10 Biggest Blunders Grandmasters Made at Chess · Chess Blunder #1. Magnus Carlsen – Merab Gagunashvili · Chess Blunder #2. Larry ...
In chess, a blunder is a bad move that can cost you a game. Learn the difference between blunders, mistakes, inaccuracies, & how to avoid them on ChessKid.