The test command in Unix evaluates the expression parameter. In most recent shell implementations, it is a shell builtin, even though the external version still exists.
2021/11/06 · On Unix-like operating systems, the test command checks file types and compares values. This page covers the GNU/Linux version of test. Tip.
TEST(1) User Commands TEST(1) NAME test - check file types and compare values SYNOPSIS test EXPRESSION test [ EXPRESSION ] [ ] [ OPTION DESCRIPTION
The test command evaluates the Expression parameter, and if the expression value is True, returns a zero (True) exit value. Otherwise, the test command returns ...


testは、Unix、Plan 9、およびUnixライクなオペレーティングシステムにあるコマンドラインユーティリティで、条件式を評価します。 testは、1981年にUNIX System IIIでシェルビルトインコマンドになり、同時に代替名[。 ウィキペディア(英語)
オペレーティング システムUNIX, Unix系, Plan 9 from Bell Labs, IBM i
Unix/Linux/Mac test. This test should run on any Linux, Mac OS 10, or Unix system, regardless of whether you have configured any languages. The files in the ...
Write a script which will read in the name of a file and print out a message indicating whether or not it is a directory. Solution: Use test with option -d to ...
Unix has a command called test that does a lot of useful tests. For instance, test can check whether a file is writable before your script tries to write to it.
2023/02/21 · A test command is a command that is used to test the validity of a command. It checks whether the command/expression is true or false.