The modulus, or remainder, operator divides number1 by number2 (rounding floating-point numbers to integers) and returns only the remainder as ...
The Microsoft Access Mod function returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor. Syntax. The syntax for the Mod function in MS Access is: number ...
2021/09/15 · VBA. Featured assessment. It's your AI learning ... Data access. Workloads. Web · Mobile · Cloud; Cloud ... Mod operator (Visual Basic). Article; 09 ...
2008/06/23 · trying to use the MOD function in the expression builder but comes up with an error. MOD(5,2) This is an example. The error reads,
2023/06/09 · Guide to Excel VBA MOD. Here we discussed How to use VBA MOD Function to calculate remainder with practical examples and downloadable excel ...
The Mod operator is used to divide two numbers and return only the remainder. = (number) Mod (number). number any valid number expression.
2012/10/14 · “\” Operator – This operator performs division and rounds the final number down to the nearest integer. i.e. 5\2=2. “MOD” operator – This ...