This article contains answers to commonly asked questions related to the UWP bluetooth APIs.
The Windows.Devices.Bluetooth namespace defines a set of Windows Runtime API that allows UWP app and desktop apps to interact with Bluetooth devices.
Bluetooth Framework is the Software Developer Kit (SDK) that allows developers to easily access Bluetooth features on Windows platforms.
Bluetooth Programming with Windows Sockets. This section describes how to use Windows Sockets functions and structures to program a Bluetooth application.
2014/04/04 · Windows, C++, Bluetooth 4.0 SDK. What is the best SDK to use to develop applications for the Bluetooth 4.0 hub? ... I'm a bit of a newbie to the ...
Windows Bluetooth API. New Bluetooth features in Windows 10 Creators Update (a.k.a. GATT Server and friends). PC. What's new. Surface Laptop Studio 2 · Surface ...
This hands-on tutorial demonstrates the Bluetooth programming in Windows network environment. The C program examples cover the steps on how to discover ...
Manage nRF Connect SDK and toolchain versions on Windows, Mac and Linux. ... The nRF52 DK is a Bluetooth LE and Bluetooth mesh development kit for the nRF52805, ...
2010/02/06 · Depends on the Bluetooth stack. Microsoft's stack is introduced in Windows XP Sp1 and is accessible using Windows Wireless SDK. Other Bluetooth ...
WinRT reference content for developing Microsoft Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps - winrt-api/windows.devices.bluetooth/bluetoothdevice.md at docs ...