Bitnami Virtual Machines contain a minimal Linux operating system with Ghost installed and configured. Using the Bitnami Virtual Machine image requires ...
First you have to find where (on which ESX) is running your VM. Then you have to identify his PID, with ps command.
2022/04/23 · Oddly, "Ghosts" of the VM's from the lost RAID are now present, and I cannot find a way to de-register them or remove the entries via Hyper-V ...
2020/10/04 · When I try to send a replica (that was previously held on there) to that host it flatly refuses and chucks an unhelpful error id 32000 in event ...
2024/03/20 · The Problem: Hi there guys. My team and I recently updated one of our OpenNebula Clusters but once upgraded one VM went somehow a ghost, ...
2023/09/18 · This is a WIP installer to get Ghost up and running on a free-tier Google E2-Micro instance. The read me has more details.
2022/03/01 · Hello all,. After successfully migrating a VM from a standard switch to a distributed virtual switch, the VM remains listed in the standard ...
2022/01/09 · The most pressing issue is a number of VMs that Live Migrated during a hardware event, but still show in the original host, with a status of " ...