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2006/01/26 · sendmail will try to send the queued message up to a certain limit (default is 3 days). Message is delivered: The message is stored by /usr/bin/ ...
Hi, I'm getting 'no inbox for user' error. Set up sendmail, and can send and receive mail using Webmin/Usermin both to internal addresses and external ones.
We want to run mail delivery (procmail) and pickup (imap) in a chroot jail. This is useful for users that have a jailed shell account (or no shell account at ...
where i have all the users. I have configured sendmail on another system with dovecot as IMAP and POP3 ... mbox_locks = fcntl auth = default
2006/10/02 · Hi, I've setup sendmail and can send and receive mail internally and externally. But Dovecot just returns the error message: no inbox for user.
2005/08/12 · Hi, I'm using dovecot IMAP with Sendmail under FC3. Everything was working fine, but all of a sudden, I cannot get into my inbox.
The primary anti-spam features available in sendmail are: Relaying is denied by default. Better checking on sender information. Access database. Header checks.
含まれない: mbox_locks | 必須にする:mbox_locks
Dovecot is installed on the hosted FC1 server I have, it was working fine until yesterday when they had to bounce the server. I can login fine from
2005/04/05 · I can login fine from Outlook or connect telnet <hostname> 110. But even though I can see sendmail has received mail into my %h/.maildir (via ...
This page covers the Mail Retrieval software which is available for Linux. Two open standards are well supported to transfer mail from the mail server to the ...