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Download your updates on one server. They get downloaded to /var/spool/up2date. Each package has .hdr and .rpm file. Once done, copy files over to your other ...
When using up2date the error /tmp/RPMS no such file ... Impossible to "up2date tomcat5" due to package dependency problem under RHEL4 ... hdr blob(528160): BAD, ...
2021/04/01 · The up2date is a utility provided with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and earlier releases that downloads packages from RHN and installs them on ...
含まれない: hdr ファイル
Silly questions: 1. When using the up2date agent, what is the significance of the .hdr files that seem to accompany every rpm? 2. What do people.
含まれない: rhel4 | 必須にする:rhel4
up2date, also known as the Red Hat Update Agent, is a tool used by older versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Fedora Core that downloads and ...
含まれない: hdr | 必須にする:hdr
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