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A uniform resource locator (URL), colloquially known as an address on the Web, is a reference to a resource that specifies its location on a computer ...
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This page is about various URLs of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia servers. For how to markup links, see Help:Link. "WP:URL" redirects here. For the user rights ...
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Links are a reference to a document that the reader can directly follow, or that is followed automatically. A link points to a whole document or to a specific ...
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The link of Wiki Link/URL typed field always opens in new tab if it is an external link. Otherwise, it depends on the Preferences > Open links in new ...
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To use it, just wrap text with a [raw] tag, like so: [raw] "your text goes here" [/raw]. ... Copy that URL and paste it as the appropriate field of the wiki ...
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Welcome to OpenStreetMap, the project that creates and distributes free geographic data for the world. We started it because most maps you think of as free ...
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The page ids in the URL prevents the URL from breaking when you rename/move pages. It is up to you to choose what you want to use in inside the Wiki pages.
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2024/07/22 · A tag consists of two items, a key and a value. Tags describe specific features of map elements (nodes, ways, or relations) or changesets.
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