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Outputs a large amount of information about the current state of PHP. This includes information about PHP compilation options and extensions, the PHP ...
2022/12/14 · phpinfo() is a PHP function or a snippet of code that takes in one or more parameters and returns a value. Running phpinfo() will display ...
Checking PHP Information by Creating a phpinfo File · Navigate to File Manager under the Files section in your hPanel. · Once you're in public_html directory, ...
2023/12/04 · In this tutorial, we'll show you how to create a phpinfo page so you can view your php settings and analyze your website needs.
2023/05/11 · Having a phpinfo file can help you check details regarding the PHP version of your website. Follow our guide to learn more on the matter.
Find out how to use the phpinfo() function to view information about the PHP environment, settings and more with this guide including instructions and ...
2023/05/18 · The phpinfo() function can be used to output a large amount of information about your PHP installation and can be used to identify installation ...
Quick steps: Log into cPanel; Open File Manager; Locate your current working directory (eg public_html); create new file: phpinfo.php; Enter the following ...
How to Create a phpinfo.php File for Addon Domains · Go to the Domains section of your cPanel. · Locate the addon domain where you wish to create the phpinfo.php ...
2021/06/16 · A phpinfo page displays the current PHP configuration settings of your web server. If your website is developed in PHP, you'll find the ...


PHPは、 "The PHP Group" によってコミュニティベースで開発されているオープンソースの汎用プログラミング言語およびその公式の処理系であり、特にサーバーサイドで動的なウェブページを作成するための機能を多く備えていることを特徴とする。 ウィキペディア
プラットフォームUnix系、Microsoft Windows
主な処理系PHP, HHVM, Phalanger
影響を受けた言語C++、Perl、C言語、Java、Tcl、HyperText Markup Language、JavaScript
最新リリース8.3.3/ 2024年2月15日 (59日前)
登場時期1995年6月8日 (28年前)