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2011/06/02 · I get this: Can't locate XML/LibXML.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /var/chroot/home/content/09/6758009 /html/my_perl_lib /usr ...
2016/02/25 · I have already successfully installed the Perl module Crypt::CBC on cPanel. But when adding the line "use Crypt::CBC;" I am getting the error ...
2009/11/17 · Software error: Can't locate Email/Address.pm in @INC (@INC contains: . lib/i386-linux-thread-multi lib /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386- ...
Hello,. Two issues when trying to install the agent on cpanel First upon choosing 1) Cpanel installation. I get this on perl module check
2010/08/07 · Dear Friends , I am using RHEL 5 server . In Linux when I am going to install 'mod_ssl' rpm then I got the following error : # rpm -ivh mod_ssl- ...
2022/07/13 · To install a module to the system Perl environment, use WHM's Install a Perl Module interface (WHM » Home » Software » Install a Perl Module).
Hi! I have permanently corefiles in perl 5.8.8. Here i send you all info about my corefile and back trace of gdb. OS​: CentOS release 3.4 (final)
2010/03/09 · Tested on: FC-6 / i386 [x] Package is not known to require ExcludeArch, OR: Arches excluded: Why: [x] All build dependencies are listed in ...
2008/05/21 · Is this a known issue with perl 5.8.8. for 64bits? Thanks! Here is the perl -V info​: Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) ...