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2017/02/01 · After you have got your Sector Trader up to being a Universe Trader, there is very little you will need to do to maintain him (at least in ...
2006/01/13 · What they are: The Trade Command Software MK3 is a software upgrade that allows a hired pilot to automatically look for good prices and trade on ...
2013/06/29 · それから交易船のコマンドコンソールを開き、「Trade」コマンドをクリックすると上の画面が現れるので、下部にある「Start sector trader」を選択します。
2017/04/15 · For starting out I recommend The Wall, Queens Space, Ore Belt (assuming GoD hasn't had its way with this sector yet), and as previously ...
2014/07/18 · Sector Trader[edit]. The ST command will conduct business within a local area, with higher ranked pilots owners may issue the trading command ...
Mentre continuiamo la missione per conto dei terrestri, investiamo il nostro denaro per una nuova nave mercantile, che diventa presto sector trader GoGL: ...
2021/01/24 · Sector Trader refusing to trade: workaround? So I have a trader out in Terran space who is VERY insistent that he should trade anti-matter mines ...