2017/09/15 · _vti_rpc . When I click on this it takes me to https://d.docs.live.net/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc . Can someone shed some light to this and ...
The requested URL /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc was not found on this server? Login to your server via FTP. Go to /www/conf directory. Open the srm.conf file ...
On Windows NT and IIS, FrontPage security is ... Request 1: POST /_vti_bin/shtml.dll/_vti_rpc HTTP ... application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME-Version: 1.0 X ...
... /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc" (that's the default). This server binary is not password protected, so it is able to post a query to it. The first thing it ...
An application's Web server and application server configurations have a major role in securing the web application. ... /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc. If the ...
- /_vti_inf.html - /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc. The result is that the visitors are tagged as "bad bot". What are they looking for? Should I let them go or ...
2017/09/04 · Windows requesting account info when I try to close word. Open ... vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc (which doesn't appear to be an actual webpage).
OSVDB-28260: POST /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc?method=server+version%3a4%2e0%2e2%2e2611: Gives info about server settings. If I replay the request through a ...
2023/09/25 · Hi there i found a information disclosure Microsoft FrontPage configuration in the subdomain ··········hat allows me to see version ...
What are some greater risks? Confusing security model; Running in-process with inetinfo.exe; Relaxed NTFS permissions; Cannot be secured without NTFS.