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1台のみ、あるいは2台構成時のマスタは「DEVICE 0(MASTER)」を選ぶ。スレーブなら「DEVICE 1(SLAVE)」だ。2台構成時に、スレーブ・ドライブが正しく認識されない場合は、 ...
Cable Select (CS) settings were designed to make it easier to connect hard drives because you didn't need to bother with setting the Master/Slave jumpers. You ...
マスタースレーブ(英: master-slave)は、複数の機器が協調して動作する際に、複数の機器の制御・操作を司る「マスター」機と、マスター機の一方的な制御下で動作 ...
In engineering, master–slave is a relationship between two systems in which one controls the other. In some cases one master controls just one slave system, ...
The CS jumper is defined as Cable Select, this is an option where the position of the drive on the cable determines the drive's ID [C: or D:]. In these ...
2006/01/22 · Master or slave makes no idfference as long as it is not on the same channel as the source drive no matter what type of source it is.
2015/06/18 · 今はジャンパスイッチでマスターとスレーブを指定しています。 ケーブルセレクトも,ジャンパスイッチで「CS」等の指定が必要・・・: 書込番号:18883668 ...
2007/07/22 · A second drive added on the cable is usually set to the slave setting unless in the case of hard drives not cd or dvd optical drives the drive ...