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2001/06/29 · 「Hot Downloads!」のPatchコーナーに,「超時空要塞マクロスVO」の情報を追加しました。音声関連のバグ修正やキーコンフィグ機能が追加される1.10 ...
2003/11/15 · This is from an earlier patch than the current version, when there was an english hack going around. I believe it is still the same though. post ...
2006/12/26 · Original Macross VO (w/english patch and all mods)=253mb. Macross VOXP (all mods no english patch)=419mb. Both VO/VOXP =596mb. flying Valks on ...
... ボーステック,最新情報は『「超時空要塞マクロス VO」XP対応になって新たに登場!』,『Patch情報追加』,『「超時空要塞マクロスVO」最新パッチをforGamerサーバーにUp!』
Bothtec is releasing Macross VOXP on 4th July. It appears that VOXP is not a true sequel to VO, but rather a refresh of the original game. Macross VOXP ...
While searching for possible results in the name the game thread i ran across this title. A Macross game for the PC. While there is an english patch...
2004/02/03 · 1. DYRL VOXP 2008. five parts, HJSplit software · 2. Extension Macross VOXP Fan 1.1 patch and full 1.1 patch · 3. new VOXP music · 4. Robotech VOXP.
2019/10/08 · Password if prompted is http://macrossrobotech.forogratis.esThese are two modifications of Bothtec's Macross VOXP game.
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